💻 The code corresponding to this page can be found on Github at Visibility.t.sol
As usual, create a new file and import the required Solidity files to initialize the test contract:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.19;
import {Test, console2} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import "./Visibility.sol";
contract Visibility_test is Test {
Now, define the setup()
function that sets the initial state for each test function:
Child child;
function setUp() public {
child = new Child();
Next, make sure we can call the internal and public addition functions defined in the parent contract, from within the child contract:
function test_callInternalAdditionInParentFromChild() public {
uint a = 10; uint b = 20;
uint c = child.callInternalAdditionInParentFromChild(a , b);
// test passes if the value of (a + b) is returned correctly
assertEq(c, 30);
function test_callPublicAdditionInParentFromChild() public {
uint a = 10; uint b = 20;
uint c = child.callPublicAdditionInParentFromChild(a , b);
// test passes if the value of (a + b) is returned correctly
assertEq(c, 30);
Finally, let us see if we can call the internal string defined in the parent contract, from within the child contract:
function test_callInternalStringInParentFromChild() public {
string memory str = child.callInternalStringInParentFromChild();
// test passes if the value of internalString is returned correctly
assertEq(str, "Internal String");
To run the test file I need to run this command in my terminal:
forge test --match-path src/SolidityBasics/Visibility/Visibility.t.sol
Please note that the exact command will vary depending on your directory structure.