
💻 The code corresponding to this page can be found on Github at Interfaces.t.sol

As usual, start by importing all the required files:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

pragma solidity ^0.8.19;

import {Test, console2} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import {SimpleAddition} from "./SimpleAddition.sol";
import {UsingInterface} from "./UsingInterface.sol";

contract UsingInterface_test is Test {


Next, define the setup() function that sets the initial state for each test function:

    SimpleAddition public simpleAddition;
    UsingInterface public usingInterface;

    function setUp() public {
        simpleAddition = new SimpleAddition();
        usingInterface = new UsingInterface(address(simpleAddition));

Note that we use the address of the SimpleAddition contract to initialize the UsingInterface contract. Next, let us write two test functions to check if we can change the values the state variables:

    function test_setA() public {
        assertEq(simpleAddition.a(), 1, "Value of `a` in SimpleAddition should be 1");

    function test_setB() public {
        assertEq(simpleAddition.b(), 2, "Value of `b` in SimpleAddition should be 2");

Finally, let us write test functions to check if we can call the addition functions defined in the SimpleAddition contract. We want to make sure that the

    // The values of `a` and `b` were set as 10 and 20 respectively
    // in the `SimpleAddition` contract. Thus, the sum should be 30
    // if we call the `returnSumOfStateVariables()` function without
    // changing the values of `a` and `b` first.
    function test_returnSumOfStateVariablesWithoutChange() public {
        assertEq(usingInterface.returnSumOfStateVariables(), 30, "sum of state variables should be 30");

    function test_returnSumOfStateVariablesWithChange() public {
        assertEq(usingInterface.returnSumOfStateVariables(), 3, "sum of state variables should be 3");

    function test_returnSumOfLocalVariables() public {
        assertEq(usingInterface.returnSumOfLocalVariables(5, 10), 15, "sum should be 3");

Run the tests and see if they pass.